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Gen Memory

I'm cancelling "Douglas is Cancelled"

Updated: 5 hours ago

This post has a content warning.

I’ve just finished watching Douglas is Cancelled on ABC iView and it’s left me quite unsettled, but for the wrong reasons.

Image credit: ANROWS, 2024

Firstly, the writing is all over the place. Make up your mind – is it a comedy or a drama?  It can’t be both when it’s about misogyny, because sexual violence and misogyny aren’t funny.  Or at least they shouldn’t be, to any decent human being.

Secondly, the character of Douglas is unconvincing.  A true narcissist would not set their mind to rescue a damsel in distress and then leave them to be sexually exploited.  A true narcissist wouldn’t get off their seat in the first place - rather, they would look forward to hearing about the successful person’s exploits at delicious, later date.

Thirdly, a career narcissist (which television presenters usually are, let's face it) would not let themselves be manipulated by a person whom they believed they held power over, especially via the technique of touch.  As demonstrated in the relevant early scenes, touch is used by the strong and abusive as a power and control mechanism against the weak. 


I have personal experience of this with one of my own abusers. As usual, they had flown into a rage about something insignificant.  They adored being in a rage phase.  In fact, they were addicted to it – the endorphins coursing through their body; the natural high elevating them to an even more over-privileged and dangerous state.

Without rehearsal, instinctively, I offered them my hands as a means to calm them down. 

The response was spectacular.  I had inadvertently attempted to reverse the power balance, and this narcissist was not going to have a bar of it.


No!’, they raged.  “[If I take your hands] that would mean you would win!”.


I was astounded.


This was the one and only time this person ever uttered these words to me.


I wasn’t in a relationship – I was in a competition. Love and empathy have no place in a competition.


Therefore, I am thoroughly unconvinced by Douglas is Cancelled. Sure, the female protagonist is very, very, clever and determined (gifted, I would say), and she certainly has been wronged and let down.  But no powerful misogynist that I’ve ever met would fall for a subtle, long-term reversing of the power balance the way it is portrayed in this mini-series. It makes for exciting drama, but not for convincing truth - misogynistic narcissists are much, much more dangerous than the character this actor portrays, who previously played the Dad from Paddington. I mean to say, come on.

As for the sexual predation scenes - these were nauseating and extremely upsetting for me to watch. If you want to get a tiny glimpse of what it's like to be controlled by a sexual predator, then you should definitely watch Episode 2.

Gen Memory

December 2024


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